Sunday, September 19, 2010

Filipinnovation, the way forward

Filipinnovation, the way forward

Philippines is now in the new face. New technologies, new discoveries and new everything.

Every student can do something, something that when combined can make everything. This can be compared in line “small minds make big things”. Even we, students can promote or contribute for the introduction of something new for the progress of the Philippines.

I, you, and all of us are needed for the new country. In a simple way we can now share something. Joining in some or all seminars and competitions is one way of showing our care for the change were longing for.

Through the knowledge of students from science such as physics, chemistry and research, they can invent new and improved products example is that the making of the rocket, they can apply there knowledge in chemicals, they mixes these chemicals in order for it to fly and also apply the learned things in physics, in this they can innovate things.

Some also uses their knowledge in research, they are conducting a study or research about simple things to make a better one, example some uses the leaves or some trees as wound healer, etc. In this way they can contribute something for the progress of the country.

All human being can do something, let’s start making, discovering a new and improved things for the better me, you and all of us


  1. wow naman.,.,,.,.,.,.sosyyyyyy/./.,.,./.m.,

  2. nice work...........
    how I wish i can also make a good essay like yours...

  3. GOOD JOB ALVIN!!! Just continue to what you've started and try to keep up the good work...:]]
