IeeEEeet! BOOM!
Merry Christmas!
Namamasko po!
Naimbag a paskua yu amin!
The time for us to commemorate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. Son of God conceived by Mary, the central figure of Christianity, born in Bethlehem. A season celebrated just once a year, a moment to share, to give and to love. Every sickle of every second during Christmas time is very significant, why? Because every human body takes this opportunity to show their appreciation to one’s life, to share the blessings that God gave and to simply say “I love you”. This comes just once a year for that we must enjoy it, we must do what is to be done during this season and we must let others feel the true essence of Christmas, to exhibit the reason why we have this X-mas time. Forgive others who have done badly is one way of showing God that you’re very thankful that he gave this.
Tradition of many Filipinos to attend the “Simbang gabi” and “Misa de Gallo” . They would go to the church and attend the mass at dawn, they believe that a man who caq completely attund the 9 consecutive masses wouud ask a wish from God it will be granted but some catholic men attend not to listen and participate the mass but rather to have a date with their love one. This image is very disappointing to the eye of the catholic churches but t his disease is very hard to treat for this is widely spread still the number of serious catholic men are more dominating than those ones. The misa de gallo is done on December 24’s eve, the mass would start at 11:00 and ends 12:00 midnight, Filipinos would end the mass with sweet smiles and greet each other saying “MERRY CHRISTMAS”!. After the mass they would home and eat the Noche Buena and light some firecrackers. Ieeet! BoOmM! MeRry CHrisTmAs! ! !
Celebration for Christmas always ends with sweet smiles greetings and a loud IeeEEeT BoOm!!

leEeEEEt bOoOM!!!! belated MERRY CHRISTMAS ALVIN! XD.......
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